Registration information

General information :

Registration are open until the 15th of September 2021.

Due to the sanitary situation, the school will be held both virtually and on-site. The two places where the school is organized, Nice and Fréjus, are equipped with conference rooms allowing to attend the school both virtually and on-site. The choice to come on-site or to follow the school virtually is free for all attendees but it will have to be specified in registration forms below.

The fisrt week, from the 18th to the 22nd, will take place in Nice (Parc Valrose). Accomodation for the first week in Nice will not be provided. However, lunches of the first week in Nice will be covered, by Academy "Complex Systems", for all attendees coming on-site.

The second week, from the 25th to the 29th, will take place in Fréjus at Villa Clythia. The Academy "Complex Systems" will financially support the on-site participation. Only a contribution of 300 € will be asked for the week, including nights and meals, in Fréjus (except for the students benefiting from the financial assistance). The number of on-site attendees is limited.


Financial assistance to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers :

In order to participate in the costs of coming for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers, the organization committee has decided to financially support 10 PhD students or post-doctoral researchers by allocating a scholarship of 800 € each and by covering entirely the accomodation costs at Villa Clythia. This financial assistance will be attributed to PhD students or post-doctoral researchers coming on-site for the two weeks of the school. The selection will be made according to criteria of excellence. The allocation of this financial assistance will be indicated to the attendee in September.


Registration process :

  • Complete the appropriate registration form below and send it (with the necessary documents) to before the 15th of September.
  • You will be notified of the validation of your registration on the 20th of September at the latest.
  • If you come on-site for the second week of the school, you will have to pay the 300 € contribution. The payment will be made directly at Villa Clythia.


Documents to provide at registration for PhD students and post-doctoral researchers :

  • Student registration form : PhD and Postdoc registration form 
  • A research plan on your PhD or postdoc project (1 page max; highlights its originality, its impact, its multidisciplinary approach)
  • CV
  • Cover letter
  • Supervisor reference letter

Please send these documents to


Documents to provide for classical registration :

Please send this document to

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